Hello Go create it
Our engaging programs, assemblies, kits and shows
Written By: Joy Grant-Khan
February 28th, 2022
The Peel District School Board has committed to culturally responsive learning, Math Thru Music’s SoundClash Kit workshops partner with their initiative through fostering engaging and culturally responsive learning environments.
On Wednesday February 23rd, a group of grade 8 students from Greenbriar Middle School in Brampton tried their hand at building their own Bluetooth speakers with Math Thru Music’s latest launch, The SoundClash Kit. Throughout the hands-on experience, a series of intentional connections were made to help students relate their learning to larger themes of social justice, power systems and physics.
A 2020 review of the Peel District School Board (PDSB) found that new teacher graduates lacked the knowledge, personal, and practical experience to teach in diverse classrooms. Moreover, statistics also showed an overwhelming population of non-racially diverse teachers, which does not reflect the diversity of students in the school board.
These factors have contributed to a lack of culturally responsive pedagogy in the classroom that renders students disassociated from their learning and stagnant in personal development while at school. Black History Month initiatives were not perceived as empowering or identity-affirming among Black students, rather, students felt that they had more to do with making white people feel good about celebrating Black people (Chadha et al).
“We heard from Black and non-Black students that the curriculum does not reflect the diversity of the PDSB. We heard from one PDSB educator that a global understanding of the world requires a broader curriculum speaking to the experiences of more than just Europeans.”
The definite trend here is that standard curriculum has lacked a culturally responsive pedagogy that relates classroom instruction to cultural identity. Culturally responsive education is not only about what is being taught, but how that curriculum might relate to students’ intersectional identities through affirming and empowering them as individuals.
Math Thru Music’s SoundClash Kit workshops at PDSB schools prioritize culturally responsive pedagogy through connecting the origins of Jamaican SoundClash culture, to modern-day access to music and musical expression. Students learn of the creativity and adaptability that founded Jamaica’s worldwide musical recognition, connecting music to grander themes of overcoming power systems steeped in classism and white supremacy.
Instead of learning about oppression and defeat, students of Jamaican descent felt acknowledged for their country’s substantial contribution to musical progression. The association of Jamaican influence with positive imagery and messages discourages negative implicit attitudes towards racialized and non-racialized students alike.
“What was especially eye-opening to me was the connection that a student of Indian descent made to music in their culture, it was uplifting to see that while we were talking about SoundClash culture in Jamaica, that students from other backgrounds could make connections to music’s important role in their lives and cultures.”
– Mr. H.
Vice-Principal in the PDSB
The Math Thru Music SoundClash Kit workshops use hands-on-learning approaches to establish students’ personal connection to music, while teaching physics; a subject that is typically met with anxiety and apprehension among students. The excitement and anticipation to build, far overrides feelings of discouragement, as students look forward to creating something that relates to their interests and everyday life. This concept, meaning-making, enriches standard curriculum by enhancing the value, personal relevance, and the “why” behind student learning.
With all connections made, students were ready to stream their favourite songs on their new, fully functional Bluetooth speakers!
“It was complicated! But I loved making the connection to my own favourite songs! I can’t wait to play BTS on my new speaker!”
The Sound Clash Kit by Math Thru Music launched on February 1st, 2022 and is currently available to order via their website: https://www.gocreateit.today/maththrumusic/kits/soundclashkit/
For more updates on Math Thru Music, follow their Instagram page, @MathThruMusic.
Chadha, E. C., Herbert, S., & Richard, S. (2020, February 28). Review of the Peel District School Board. Retrieved February 24, 2022, from http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/new/review-peel-district-school-board-report-en.pdf
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